PhD and Postdoc positions in optophysiology studies of cortical neural activity during navigation in virtual reality
Navigation in virtual reality offers a potent tool to investigate how sensory inputs are integrated into decisions and motor actions. The Department of Neurophysiology focusses on information processing in visual cortex during navigation in virtual reality. Applying state-of-the-art multiphoton imaging and optogentic we visualize and identify cortical neurons and measure their responses to visual input.
We are currently looking for motivated PhD students and Postdocs to participate in these projects. Candidates with a background in neurophysiology or behavior studies are particularly encouraged to apply. We are seeking people with an interactive personality and good communication skills.
The RWTH Aachen is one of Germany’s Excellence Universities and offers an ideal environment for education and scientific exchange and education. And the unique location at the border triangle of Belgium, Holland and Germany makes Aachen a vibrant city with high qualitiy of life.
Applications should include a CV, the academic achievements, a brief statement of research interests including your past experience and names of at least 2 referees. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.
Please contact Bjoern Kampa (kampa(at)