Published in Scientific Reports
New BRAINlab paper out showing that the visual cortex of blind mice still has normal electrophysiological properties.
Halfmann C, Rüland T, Müller F, Jehasse K, Kampa BM (2023) Electrophysiological properties of layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in the primary visual cortex of a retinitis pigmentosa mouse model (rd10). Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 17 Available at:
…which is good news for the development of retinal implants #innoretvision
Also check out the RTG Innoretvision where we have posted our available PhD position !!
and another one ..!
Ciganok-Hückels, N., Jehasse, K., Kricsfalussy-Hrabár, L., Ritter, M., Rüland, T., & Kampa, BM. (2022). Postnatal development of electrophysiological and morphological properties in layer 2/3 and layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the mouse primary visual cortex. Cerebral Cortex.
Available at:
Happy to see it finally published !!
New BrainLab Paper out !!
Wiesbrock C, Musall S, Kampa BM (2022) A flexible Python-based touchscreen chamber for operant conditioning reveals improved visual perception of cardinal orientations in mice. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 16 Available at:
Congratulations to Christopher and Simon for a great collaboration project !!
find our custom build touchscreen chamber on github and under Resources
Hiwi Position
In the Systems Neurophysiology Lab
We are looking for student research assistants (Hiwi, Bsc or MSc students) to participate in the technical support of our research projects. The positions will include technical work, building setups, electronics, data acquisition and processing on the one hand but also handling and training of mice.
The Systems Neurophysiology Lab at the RWTH Aachen University focuses on the processing of multisensory information in the cortex of mice during navigation in virtual reality. Applying state-of-the-art multiphoton imaging techniques, we manipulate cortical neurons and measure their responses to multisensory input. Together with combinations of patch-clamp recordings and holographic optogenetics we further identify the local wiring diagrams of the underlying neuronal networks.
If you like to join our team and be part of our neuroscience research projects, you should have experience in soldering or tinkering or enjoy working with little animals, and send us an email with your CV, previous working experience, skills and a motivation letter. We are an international research group; fluent English will therefore be required.
Please contact Prof. Björn Kampa (
The Brain Lab welcomes its new member
Sacha Abou Rachid has joined the Brain Lab as PhD student. She is also enrolled in the RTG2416 Multisenses-Multiscales.
Welcome Sacha!
New RTG InnoRetVision has started in April 2021
In April 2021 the new DFG funded Research Training Group Innoretvision has started at the RWTH Aachen.
RTG 2610 – Innovative Retinal Interfaces for Optimized Artificial Vision – InnoRetVision is a DFG funded Research Training Group dedicated to train graduate students with a background and interest in electrical engineering, neuroengineering, biophysics, sensory or neurophysiology, and or vision restoration.
Our aim is to explore innovative methods for the stimulation of the visual system to improve current techniques for vision restoration in blind humans.
More information can be found here
The Brain lab welcomes its new members!
Kevin Jehasse has joined as postdoc working on human cortex neurons.
And Sophie Wetz has started as PhD student in the new RTG Innoretvision. Check it out here: