Career Day 2020

We would like to remind of the RTG2416 Career Day 2020:

You’re about to graduate, but you’re are not sure how to continue your career yet?

Get an insight into divers vitae and discuss different hurdles on a scientific career paths with invited guest speakers in a panel discussion on our RTG2416 Career Day 2020.


Prof. Dr. Dörte Rother

FZ Jülich, Head of Institute “Synthetic enzyme cascades”

Dr. Monika Müller

InnoSyn, Senior Scientist/project management

Dr. Lars Dittrich

MaiLab (YouTube, Funk-Network), Editor

Dr. Anja Gundlfinger

Roche, Senior Scientist


Thu, February 27th, start 2pm, panel discussion 5pm-6pm


Sammelbau Biologie II / room 1.011

(Worringerweg 3, 52074 Aachen)

For further information, go to or mail to

RTG Career Day for Biology (and Science) Students

We’d like to invite you all, and especially students, to the first “RTG2416 Scientific Career Day“.

“Graduated!?!  … where to go now?

Get an insight into divers career paths and talk to postgraduates from different areas in a panel discussion.”

Time:  March 7th, start 14:00 panel discussion 17:00

Place:  room 1.011 / Sammelbau Biologie II, Worringerweg. 3, 52074 Aachen

The event is open for all interested people, especially Master and Bachelor students, so please feel free to distribute the attached announcement.


New RTG Multisenses-Multiscales

In October 2018 the new DFG funded Research Training Group Multisenses-Multiscales has started at the RWTH Aachen.

The RTG incorporates 11 labs from biology and medicine to engineering and computational neuroscience.  Research focus of the RTG is the integration of multisensory information on scales from molecules to systems.

More information can be found at



New Master Module Behavioral Neuroscience – Start Summer Term 2019

The new Master Module Behavioral Neuroscience will start in April 2019 with a weekly lecture. In addition, the module includes a weekend seminar with presentations of the latest scientific publications in the field. The practical course includes hands-on training and behavioral tasks in mice and humans using modern touchscreen setups. The course will take place during summer term break with the exact date being announced at the start of the module.

Applications for the module will be possible in RWTHonline. For further information please contact


New Course: Data analysis with Python – Introduction to programming

Datenanlyse mit Python – Einführung in die Programmierung mit Python
Für Masterstudenten in der Biologie

Im Frühjahr findet ein zweiwöchiger Einführungskurs in die Programmiersprache Python mit Schwerpunkt auf Datenanalyse statt. Inhalte des Kurses sind Grundlagen des Umgangs mit Daten und deren Auswertung. Der Kurs richtet sich an Masterstudenten der Biologie, die wenig Erfahrung mit Programmierung haben und ist Voraussetzung für das Mastermodul Introduction to Computational Neuroscience sowie für BSc und MSc Arbeiten in unseren Arbeitsgruppen. Geplanter Zeitraum sind 2 Wochen im März.

Data analysis with Python – Introduction to programming in Python
For master students in biology
There will be an introduction course to data analysis with Python next spring. The course provides an introduction to programming using the computer language Python and is aimed at master students in biology, who are new to programming. In addition to programming skills you will also learn how to use Python for data analysis and to produce figures for your report or thesis. The course is planned for March and will take 2 weeks full time (9am-5pm)

This course will also be mandatory for Biology students who want to participate in the Master Module “Computational Neuroscience” and for students interested in a BSc or MSc thesis in our labs.

 Please register at campus office (

Department of Molecular and Systemic Neurophysiology
Institute of Biology II — RWTH Aachen University
Prof. Björn Kampa (
Alexander Bexter ( Web:

Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-6), Computational and Systems Neuroscience, FZ Jülich
Prof. Sonja Grün (

Optophysiology Project at the INT Marseille

Joint student projects are available in multiphoton imaging of mouse visual cortex at the Department of Neurophysiology (RWTH Aachen) together with the InVibe Lab at the INT Marseille. Out labs focus on information processing in visual cortex. Applying state-of-the-art multiphoton imaging techniques we visualize and identify cortical neurons and measure their responses to visual input.

We are currently looking for motivated students to participate in this collaboration study. The project includes multiphoton imaging experiments in the labs at the INT in Marseille. Assignments are available for a Master Student Research Project that ideally can be continued as a Master Thesis. Intense training in neuroscience and technical expertise will be provided and participation in the vibrant research groups of the institutes is expected. Experience in neurophysiology and fluorescence imaging is an advantage but not required.

For more information please contact
Prof. Björn Kampa
Department of Neurophysiology Institute of Biology II Worringerweg 3
Phone 24840

Optophysiology Project INT

Master Student Project at the INT Marseille

A joint Master Thesis Project is available at Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone (INT), Marseille, France CNRS & Aix-Marseille University together with the Department of Neurophysiology at the Institute of Biology-2, RWTH Aachen.

Further information can be found here.

Or contact or

Neurophysiology Lab Demo

Th newly established Department of Molecular and Systemic Neurophysiology opens its doors from November 4 -6, 2015, for a lab demo. We will introduce our research projects and show our neurophysiology, microscopy and virtual reality behaviour setups.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact us or just visit us in the new Biology Building at Worringerweg 3 in Aachen.

In addition, npi electronic is offering a demonstration of the Scientifica Multiphoton SliceScope.  During these three days (November 4th – 6th) you will have the chance to get a hands-on experience with the SliceScope – and bring your own samples. If you are interested, please contact us and let us know, which day and time you prefer. In case you want to bring your own sample, please let us know what dyes you are using or what filters are needed.

For the Scientifica SliceScope Demo please contact :